I haven't updated much because, frankly, there isn't much to update around here. I guess this is what it's like to have a normal pregnancy. I've even been checking my blood sugar in an attempt to identify any early gestational diabetes and if I keep my refined carbs to a minimum then my sugars are better than they've ever been. I had two bowls of chili for dinner (including a handful of Fritos. You can take the girl out of Texas...) and 30 minutes later I was already at 122. I just need to be under 120 at an hour.
I've been able to continue my exercise habit which is awesome. Spinning is what keeps me sane. I'm already trying to figure out if I'll be able to spin and wear a baby at the same time. I'm pretty sure I can swing it.
Today has been, perhaps, one of the top five days of the pregnancy so far. No medications needed. No throwing up. I feel fantastic. It's been so strange to not spend every minute of every day obsessing about the pregnancy. There's just no time. Some days I even forget I'm pregnant. I suppose it stems from this whole pregnancy being such a surprise. I'm skeptical that I'll be holding a newborn in just under six months. Even hearing the heartbeat whenever I want (about every other day or so we check in) it's like I just can't believe it's happening and that I feel like human being and that I'm not hooked up to IVs for hydration and laying on the couch watching TV the whole time.
And that's all there is from my world right now. A fairly normal daily life. I've felt the baby a couple of times - but nothing with any regularity. I can honestly say that this is the first pregnancy where I can understand when people say that pregnancy isn't an illness. Yep - when you're having a normal pregnancy it sure isn't. It's actually sort of awesome.
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