Thursday, October 3, 2013

Dealing with the Public

...or...What NOT to Say to a Pregnant Woman.

One of my best friends is a bit overdue (although she probably is disagreeing with the description "a bit" right now--sorry) with her second baby, and we were talking about things people might say to a pregnant woman at a homeschool class yesterday.

Several of us have been asked, at one point or another, "How dilated are you?"  Seriously?!  This is an appropriate question, coming from a stranger?  Or even a family member?  Really?  A woman's vagina is an appropriate public conversation topic?  I don't think so.

I was told when I was pregnant with my daughter to "be sure not to have that baby in the middle of the store!"  Right.  Because having a baby in the middle of Wal-Mart the day after Christmas is something I was aspiring to.  Better add that to my next birth plan.

When I was pregnant with my son (and he was a week early, mind you, although I guess, to be fair, I was Huge), a woman at Old Navy asked me how far I was.  I probably answered 37 or 38 weeks, and she asked me "How long will they let you go before they induce you?"  This is a pet peeve of mine.  First of all, no one is Letting me do anything.  Its my body, its my decision.  Second of all, induction is completely unnecessary, unless for a medical reason, and being big is not a medical reason!  I very huffily told her "No one is Letting me do anything.  I am having a homebirth, so I will go as long as I want to!"  Her eyes were the size of quarters as she slowly backed away from me, stammering "Ohhh, well, good luck with that."

My dear, over-due friend was at a store on or right after her due date (I think, trying to walk that baby out at the mall, actually), when the mention of her due date came up with another stranger.  When the date was revealed, the person asked "What in the world are you doing here?!  There aren't any doctors here!!"  Right.  Because a doctor is necessary (not)!!  Actually, I think this conversation took place in Old Navy too.  Maybe Old Navy is to be avoided at late stages of pregnancy, as it seems to be a place of common offense!

I am SURE there are lots more to input, so please share what stupid or ridiculous things people have said to you while you were pregnant!

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