I completely get where that phrase comes from. I'm kind of a birth junkie, although I don't have the means and resources to follow that "addiction" very often. But I did get the honor and privilege of being at one of my best friend's home births this weekend. My poor dear friend who was very overdue had her beautiful baby girl this weekend at home, and it was amazing. I want to shout it from the rooftops, and tell every single person I see. "Do you KNOW what I saw this weekend?!? A BABY being BORN!!!!!! How amazing is that?!"
I have been lucky and blessed enough to experience four births (that were not my own) in the past few years, and I really believe that exhilaration and awe never diminishes. Maybe if I had seen it hundreds of times, and knew in detail, the things that could go wrong within the birth process, instead of just the general knowledge that I have, maybe, just maybe, it would be less impressive. But I really don't think so. Our glorious midwives acknowledged the same adrenaline and exhaustion I felt yesterday after the whole thing, so I really think its always amazing.
She keeps thanking me for being there and for helping; in truth, I cannot thank her enough for inviting me. It is such a sacred thing, and I think for a first home birth, you never really know how you're going to feel about having extra people there, until you're in the middle of it all. I am so thankful that all the timing and childcare and circumstances worked out. There were so many logistical restrictions for me that it really was amazing that it all worked out. It had to be a weekday evening or a weekend, but not Thursdays or Fridays (because my husband referees football games on those days right now), and not too late at night (because my 3 year old doesn't sleep well without me after around 10:00 or 10:30 at night), and the fact that it all worked out (including an extra scheduling snafu for me) really means to me, that it was meant to happen that way.
I'm glad I was there. I had a bigger active part than I had planned on having. Every birth I have been to, I was really there just for moral support and possibly child care if needed. This birth was the most intense one out of the four, and the midwives needed all their hands for the technical part, leaving me the powerful and profound honor, along with her husband, of being her physical support, bracing her on one side while she pushed that baby out. I will never, ever forget that feeling of her primal power, and being part of her grounding connection to the world.
I think all pregnant mommas planning a homebirth should get to go to a home birth about halfway through their pregnancy. I have mostly great memories from my son's home birth, but this experience really reminded me of that adrenaline, that primitive connection to mothers everywhere and that powerful amazement that accompanies a baby's entrance into the world. It really makes these next 15 or so weeks seem like no time at all in the grand scheme of things!
PS, I have to give a cheer for my husband. Not only did he rock his Very Important job of childcare after a crazy busy week at work, and a lot of football games that he referreed, he celebrated the joy and awe of seeing a baby being born with me afterwards. He said, "Its an amazing thing to see and its so cool that you get to experience the other side of it." And that would not be possible for me without his amazing support.
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