Tuesday, October 15, 2013

That time when everything makes you cry

At 18+ weeks I've reached that special time in pregnancy...
that time when everything makes me cry.
Need proof?  Here are the times that I cried, teared up or nearly cried today.

Note:  My day started at 4:30 am with a surprise vomit-fest.  Fatigue doesn't help an over emotional state.

1) I cried while throwing up.
2) I cried quietly while laying in bed after throwing up - wishing I could sleep.
3) I cried saying goodbye to my Father-in-law as he left to go back home
4) I cried because the house was quiet with just me and the Bear
5) I teared up when I looked at the clock, it was 8:20am, the Bear & I were still in PJs and we needed to leave for preschool at 8:40.
6) I cried after I dropped him off because a) I love his school so much and I'm so happy he got a place there and b) I was going home to an empty house and had nearly four hours of total freedom.
7) As I spent my "total freedom" time scrubbing toilets I cried listening to the state of our government on NPR and apologized to the baby for bringing it into such a messed up world.
*note* this is the point where I realized that I was out of control and needed to pull it together.
I didn't cry again for nearly two whole hours when....
8) I went to the AT&T store to upgrade to a new cell phone.  The process of updating my phone has been comically ridiculous and the last straw came when the sales clerk asked for the last four digits of my mom's social security number.  (my mom added me to her cell phone friends and family plan for my birthday two years ago.  It is and will always be the coolest, most generous birthday present I will ever receive) Who knows their mom's social security number like that?  I know my husband's.  I know mine.  I know my childrens'.  I do not know my moms.  So I teared up.  Knowing my mom was at work and would be hard to reach I called my dad - who didn't know.  Luckily my youngest brother has been down this cell-phone upgrade road and he knew the magic four numbers to get me out of AT&T store hell.
9) I teared up listening to the Bear tell me about his day at school.  He was never able to verbalize his days last year.  Having him be so happy makes me happy.
10) I teared up watching both boys play outside this afternoon.  My boys are best friends.
11) I teared up when I took my first bite of mashed potatoes with dinner.  They tasted great.
12) I teared up when the Bear gagged on mashed potatoes but wanted to keep our rules of trying a bite of everything.  He's so brave.

So, yea, I'm an emotional wreck.  I'm exhausted.  I'm pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. Hahha, this is so me right now too. We should just hang out and cry together on the playground.
