Saturday, September 14, 2013

Crinone Gel. Read at your own risk

I will warn you upfront: This blog contains personal and disgusting information. I'm only blogging about this because when I was frantically googling things I only found one other blogger brave enough to talk about some of the nasty things that happen with this gel. If you're not comfortable with the words vaginal discharge or explicit descriptions of said vaginal discharge– no judgment – but move on now.  Also, Dad, I know you're reading my blog.  This blog is not for you.  Please just close your browser now.

Crinone Gel. A seemingly necessary evil. It's a progesterone gel that is administered vaginally. Which means I insert an applicator directly into the hoo-haa, squeeze out the gel and hope for the best every day  - from the day I find out I'm pregnant until I reach 12 weeks gestation – or 14 weeks of pregnancy. It's used widely in the infertility world and it's also used widely on women who tend to miscarry.  There is conflicting research as to whether this actually does anything.  I can tell you I've been pregnant five times.  My two live births both involved using the gel, my two miscarriages didn't and I wasn't going to take any chances this time around.   Gel it is.  Please note: I do not show any signs of low progesterone. My blood work shows my progesterone levels in the normal range.  I just have a history of multiple miscarriage. Maybe the gel is a placebo. I hope not. It's too nasty to use just to trick your brain into supporting a pregnancy.  Or maybe it's just nasty enough to make my brain support the pregnancy and that's the evil genius. 

So here it is, Crinone gel.

I keep meaning to write the company and suggest a new plunger-style applicator – similar to the applicators used in yeast infection treatments. The current design involves squeezing and hoping that it all goes in. There is almost always a little left the applicator, which the info sheet in the box says is normal. I don't like it. I want it all in there.

I grabbed this image from another blog.  This is the applicator.  You twist off the circle part, insert and squeeze the rectangle part at the other end.

Now, the medicine in the gel is supposedly absorbed in a couple of hours. What's left is the – byproducts? It's the stuff that makes the gel stick to your insides. And, of course, what goes up must come down, right? Your magical vagina is designed to flush out stuff that doesn't belong. And the remnants of the progesterone gel do not belong. So, lucky you, every time you go to the bathroom you'll see little bits of tissue-like balls. And, to make it more fun for those of us using this gel due to multiple miscarriages, the gel will often come out in all sorts of fun colors. Sometimes it's black. Sometimes it's gray. Sometimes it's white as the driven snow. Sometimes it's an alarmingly peachy-nearly pink color. All of this is normal. Disgusting. Concerning. Normal. Now, I will say that I have never ever seen blood red or actual blood pink. If you see gel coming out with red or mixed with spotting please call your OB. Red is not a desired discharge color during pregnancy. Ever.  Don't assume the worst but if you see blood call your OB ASAP.

As if multi-colored discharge isn't gross enough, let's talk about clumps. Yea, that's right, the tissue-like substance builds up in there and sometimes it comes out in giant clumps. I mean like half-a-golf-ball-sized clumps.  That often happens when you poop - I assume it has to do with the pushing motion.  (Note: if you're on Zoforan for your morning sickness the pooping thing may be a distant memory thanks to the lovely constipation side effect).  You can usually feel the clump and take care of it on your own with a quick wipe or two - but it is not going to be the best part of your day.

Honestly, the clumps are not your worst-case scenario. I've read online about girls who went to the ER to have a doctor clean all of that impacted gel out. To prevent that and for general comfort and hygiene, your best bet is to clean yourself out in the shower. Use a finger, dig the bits out to avoid clumps building up. Remember when you thought pregnancy was pretty and dainty? Yea, those days are gone my friend. Clean the clumps out.

Side effects: I really don't have a lot that I know are from the gel (I have plenty of pregnancy side-effects but I have no way of knowing if they are made worse by the gel) beyond insane vaginal dryness. If you're going to have alone time with your sweetie do not expect your lady parts to play along willingly. Apart from the desert-like dryness down south, despite mentally being ready to go there is almost no amount of coaxing that would make me physically ready. Lube is your friend. 

After 12 weeks of the evil but seemingly necessary gel, I'm done. Thank you crinone for supporting me through these three pregnancies. But I won't miss you. Not even for a second.


  1. Haha I'm glad you posted this. I'm also on my 5th pregnancy, 2 miscarriages without progesterone, 2 live births with, and this one. I do have severely low progesterone, though. (Once my level was 0.5!) This is my first time on Crinone, though. I've used another type. This stuff is so gross! You'll be glad to know they do come in plunger type applicators now. =) They haven't been able to address the discharge, unfortunately.

  2. Haha I'm glad you posted this. I'm also on my 5th pregnancy, 2 miscarriages without progesterone, 2 live births with, and this one. I do have severely low progesterone, though. (Once my level was 0.5!) This is my first time on Crinone, though. I've used another type. This stuff is so gross! You'll be glad to know they do come in plunger type applicators now. =) They haven't been able to address the discharge, unfortunately.

  3. 3 years after you posted this and thank you for doing so. I'm on Crinone now and a huge clump came out! I was mortified...and scared. Your post helped ease my fears and stay with the "wait and see" my doctors so love to say.

    1. Yep same here had the massive clump come out after being on this for over a week and became concerned as I am in that horrid 2 week wait (the whole wait and see is horrible) to find out if my ISCI procedure has resulted in a pregnancy and thought something may have gone wrong.... Thank you both for posting

    2. Same here! 2 weeks wait using this gel.. fingers crossed for both you and me!

    3. Same here, thank you for posting.. just had a massive clump come out and almost had a melt down!

  4. Thank you for posting this. While I knew white ball like discharge was normal I was getting worried when it turned brown on me. The doctors are great at prescribing it but telling you the normal what to expect. This is my first pregnancy and hoping it is a success.

  5. Thank you!
    This was not an issue when I used it for my IVF, but now I'm using it every month and was a little shocked. What did I miss the first time? It is so gross. There is really no information out there.

  6. This article is crucial for those who need to clean out!!! I had so much irritation it was getting unbearable. Thank you so much for this blog

  7. Thanks so much for posting! I'm in the tww after my second round of ivf and I didn't know about the cleaning out until I got my period after the first attempt I was using a diva cup and when I removed it in the shower it had a giant clump inside I almost fainted. Now I know better to let it build up. Fingers crossed we get a BFP this time!

  8. I sneezed the other day while sitting on the loo. A GIANT BALL of crinone came out ! Naturally being pregnant, I hit a panic when something so large popped out. Today though the crinone is black ! I was also not warned of these side effects. Roll on 12 weeks so that crinone and I can part ways. By the way, the progesterone oul shots are extremely painful toward the end too.

  9. It's years later after your 1st post, but thank you so much! I'm @ home panicking because I noticed my clumps were looking black. Previously it was coming out white, but I'm seeing an occasional black. I've had multiple miscarriages so I'm on pins and needles. Believe it or not this is my first time using this stuff. I'm just keeping faith and pray for the best.

  10. First time IVF and in the middle of the TWW. Using Crinone in the morning and another pessary at night. The discharge and colour is awful. The wait is torture but I'm so glad I found this blog, it has taken a weight of my mind. Thanks again ��

  11. THANK YOU for this post...I was on crinone during the first trimester of my pregnancy and I'm now 39 weeks along and when the midwife checked my cervix she pulled out a ridiculous amount of the clumpy leftover material which had to be from the crinone because I have no yeast infection symptoms. I'm so disgusted and disturbed it solidified like that and stayed up there and surprised I didn't have any burning or irritation. The OB i was with at the beginning of my pregnancy, the nurse who prescribed it never said anything to me about gently cleaning it out myself, and then I switched to these midwives who don't prescribe s lot of progesterone so probably wouldn't have known to advise me to do that...anyway gross and glad to know I'm not alone in my misery with this haha

  12. Thank you for this.... lost a large ball of it today and had no idea what the pressure was I was feeling until I felt down there and pulled it out- talk about nightmares.... sooooo not helpful for my raging morning sickness but was happy to find you post and know I'm not alone... had no idea I should be attempting some sort of clean out

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Yes soooo glad I found this blog! I was warned that you may have discharge and that it would be of a slimey nature not dark brown grey crumbly chunks!! So nervous cleaning myself out don't want to measure around in there lol. But I also had some red spotting only when i peed was told that was normal too. Hope all has turned out great for everyone!

  15. Ive been googling for days about this as i cant reach my nurse to ask. This article has put my mind at ease know knowing that what is happening to me is completely normal. I first encountered a 'clump' during sexytime and my husband was as scared as I was. It's a questionable situation that my nurse hasn't mentioned or told me about the carrier gel. I assumed it was all going to absorb up there. Thank you for writing your disgusting honesty. Its Much appreciated. Xx

  16. I'm so glad you posted this post about the gel. I'm currently going through my second ivf treatment and just found the black lumpy bits and literally had a minor heart attack/breakdown. There really needs to be more transparency about fertility treatments. Thanks again for posting this candid and honest article.

  17. Thank you!!! There is next to NO information about this online. The ivf nurse said it’s too far gone to be the crinone as I stopped weeks ago and my GP had zero idea what it was. Luckily the internet told me it was ‘definitely’ a miscarriage. An emotional breakdown and vaginal swab later it turned out to be nothing. Those grey little tissue balls really did a number on me, thanks medics for the heads up and reassurance! Rant over. Thanks so much for this x

  18. Thank the Lord I found this blog! I have been on Crinone for about 6-8 weeks and the other day the amount of clumps that came out was alarming. I then spent far too much time removing more - it seemed never ending and utterly disgusting, I've never been so grossed out by myself. But knowing it's 'normal' for this medication has put my mind at ease for now - cannot wait to go off this stuff! Thanks for sharing :)

  19. OMG, thank you. Black and gray bits were in my "clean-out" and I freaked out thinking I was having a miscarriage. Your post (and the comments here) reassured me. Thank you thank you thank you.

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  21. Tq for the post. My panties liner this morning full with " crinone waste ".

  22. So glad to read that the black balls that come out are a side effect!!! It should be written as a side effect to ease the minds of those of us who have enough to worry about in the TWW! Best of luck everyone x

  23. Thank you for posting this. I haven’t seen too much on the web about this disgusting but helpful medication. I am 7 weeks and wanted to share my scare with the med was bleeding like I’m on my period. If you happen to bleed, definitely call your doctor right away but don’t panic too soon like I did. After an ultra sound confirmed baby was fine and I could calm down a bit, I realized my body was flushing itself out naturally... TMI but today I had a huge bloody clump come out. So gross but my body is doing what it needs to do to flush everything. I feel like I’m the only one this is happening to so I’m hopeful this comment helps someone else that may be in the same boat!

  24. Years later and this is still a gem. Thank you so much for this info. I'm 5+ weeks pregnant and recently switched from endometrin which just gives you a snowy white discharge, to crinone. I was so alarmed to see the big grey balls with bits of tissue in them and my panicked research brought me here.They really don't prepare us enough. Thank you so much for sharing!
