My turn to introduce myself. My name
is Julianna. I'm a stay-at-home-mom to my sons G-dog (6) and the
Bear (almost 4). I'm currently 12.5 weeks to my 5th pregnancy and
this baby was a total surprise.
The only thing I have ever wanted to be
in life was a mom. I had a successful pre-child career and a job I
loved but there was never, ever a question in my mind that when kids
came into the picture I would step away from the corporate world and
stay home with my kids.
The best-laid plans of course, mean
nothing. After we got married, my husband and I decided it was time
to go off the pill and make our dreams come true. Months came and
went and then a worried visit to the gynecologist and we were
suddenly in the world of infertility. We were lucky though. My
infertility had a definite cause (Prolactinoma) fixable by medication
and just five months later we were overjoyed to find out that I was
I loved the days of that pregnancy
because I was still in the “bubble” where all pregnancies ended
in happy babies and miscarriage was just a vague idea. Of course, I
say “days” of that pregnancy because I miscarried at 5 weeks 4
days. A chemical pregnancy. We were absolutely devastated. My OB
told us to give it a month and try again and that's exactly what we
They say you're never more fertile than
after a miscarriage and in my case “they” were right. I got
pregnant for a second time on our very first try. The pregnancy
wasn't easy by any means. I dealt with hyperemesis as well as
gestational diabetes and then had an emergency c-section at 37 weeks
0 days when I, quite suddenly, developed HELLP syndrome. While I was
not very birth-educated at that point – in my mind a c-section was
the worst-possible outcome. I fought the doctors and they allowed me
to try an induction but it very nearly cost me my life. After three
hours of pushing, a platelet transfusion and a worried conversation
between my ob and husband where she told him she wasn't sure I'd
survive, I finally consented to a c-section.
Pregnancy number 3 came about a year
later. I knew from the very beginning that something was off about
this one. After weeks of ultrasounds watching an empty sac grow
right on target with the hope that the baby might magically appear,
my HcG levels started dropping. When I didn't miscarry on my own I
opted for a D&E at 9.5 weeks. It was a very very dark time for
Another year later, another positive
pregnancy test. More Hyperemesis, more gestational diabetes. My
doctors agreed that I was a great VBAC candidate but stipulated that
I had till 40 weeks to go into labor because of the gestational
diabetes. I tried every trick in the book to kick-start labor. My
little bear was not at all interested in coming out. At 39 weeks 6
days I had a repeat c-section.
The bear has been a challenge. He was
sick for much of his first year. He still doesn't sleep through the
night. I found he was most settled when we adopted more attachment
parenting ideas - I think I wore him until he was two! He's been an
We have tried since the Bear was about
a year old to have our third child with absolutely no results. The
diagnosis: PCOS. Not surprising but still not fun. We discussed
fertility options but I wasn't comfortable going on Clomid (I shy
away from anything that screws with my hormones) and neither my
husband nor I were prepared for IVF. I came to peace with being a
mom of two and was quite happy about it. The bear potty trained when
he was two – so we've been out of diapers for more than a year now.
I started giving baby clothes and toys away. I moved into what I
thought was the next phase of life: the time when you can take your
kids to restaurants and just enjoy a dinner. Imagine then, my shock
and surprise when I randomly took a pregnancy test the day after my
period was due in July and the test came back positive.
I first didn't believe my eyes. It was
one of those + or - tests and I thought I was misreading it. I
showed my husband, drove to CVS at 7:01 am and bought a digital test.
When that little word “pregnant” appeared my whole world
This time is so different. While I'm
nauseous all day and not able to eat more than a few bites at a time,
I'm not sick all the time. I am, however, exhausted, collapsing into
bed by 8:30 most nights. I'm using Crinione progesterone
suppositories to support the pregnancy. I've used this before –
with both boys. I have prescriptions for Zoforan and Pfinnergin to
help with my nausea. I'm able to continue exercising regularly (for
the most part).
And while Tracy is looking forward to
another home birth, I've already consented to a third c-section. I
was so determined to VBAC last time – this time it was a strange
relief to just say “I'm fine with a repeat c-section.” It isn't
ideal, it isn't natural but it's the path that works best for me and
my family here and now. That is what we hope that the blog can
illustrate over the next 7ish months. You'll see two moms address
pregnancies through very different approaches, both making informed
choices, both being responsible mothers. There is no one “right”
way to bring a baby into the world and if you're making informed,
responsible choices, there isn't a wrong way either. Hopefully our
honest dialogue about our joys and struggles will amuse, inform or
just ring true with anyone who stumbles across our little corner of
the internet.
Thank you for sharing your journey!