Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Blessingway!

My amazing friends gave me a Blessingway or a Mother Blessing this past weekend.  Different than a traditional baby shower, a Blessingway typically focuses on the mother and the upcoming birth journey.  I had a Blessingway with my second baby too, and it was a great way to recognize and honor the journey of a mother.  Also, we don't use a lot of baby gear, and buying gender neutral clothing is not that fun, so instead of all the tiny baby clothing and disposable diapers that you usually get for a baby shower, I got to spend several hours talking and laughing with my friends and family, and feeling really blessed by their love.

We had a bead ceremony, where everyone brought a bead (or two or three) that had special significance to them about me.  Some were for color (I got several blue beads for calming strength in labor), some were for shape, and some were just because the person liked the bead.  What was special to me was what they told me about each one, and how it related to them and to me.  We strung these on a labor necklace (that I usually just look at, not wear) to help me remember my support while I am laboring.

We also did a string bracelet thing, where we are were joined in a circle by a string, connecting us to each other and to our past (by naming our matriarchal lineage).  We cut the string after we were finished and tied it on our wrists as a bracelet to be left on until the baby is born.  The symbolic part of this was really powerful for several of us.

One of my favorite parts of being pregnant is doing henna on my belly.  I may be super uncomfortable, but I have this really great, beautiful belly, and I love being able to put henna on it.  I did it for my last pregnancy too.  This time, we did it at the Blessingway, and each person drew a small design.  I love this, because I can name every person and point to their contribution.  Just another way to remind me of my support when I need it.  My kids are obsessed with the henna too.  They love looking at the designs on my belly, and talking about who drew what, and what it looks like.  We've gotten some funny descriptions from them.

its so special to me to have that support and feel that love, especially at this point in my journey, when I am tired, and feeling finished, even though I have some time left.  I have said it again and again, but I have the most amazing, supportive friends and family!!

Part of my henna design

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