Thursday, January 9, 2014

Almost 31 weeks for me

I'm almost 31 weeks and haven't updated my stuff in way way too long, mostly because I haven't felt like there was much to update. I'm still struggling with all day nausea though I've found a combination of medication that keeps me functional. I've been exhausted. Baby boy is moving ALL.THE.TIME. One night I woke up in a panic because he kicked me so hard I thought I'd rolled over on the baby.

I now see the OB every two weeks. I declined the glucose tolerance test knowing I'd fail it – so I'm off to the endocrinologist. I've been monitoring my blood sugars for months and in the past week they have seriously deteriorated. Insulin ahoy! I'm not happy about it at all.

Back to the exhaustion. At my 28 week appointment I asked the nurse to check my iron levels. I've felt so lethargic and have had some dizzy spells. Sure enough, my iron level was at 11.0 - with 12.5 being the low-normal level. I've been supplementing and it seems to be helping.

We are slowly getting things together for baby. He has a crib up in what will be his room. We pulled all of our pack 'n' plays, swings, bedding, etc out of the attic. I have a lot of washing to do and I'm tackling it slowly. We don't have much in the way of clothing – I gave away most of our baby clothes more than a year ago, thinking we were done having kids. Fortunately the husband didn't want me to give away the big items – so we have all of the big stuff. Clothes are easy to buy – and fun. I've been ordering some and will hit consignment sales when they start up next month. I need to get pacifiers, diapers, those sort of things. I have this weird thing though that if I start buying them I'll be jinxing myself or something.

This little guy still doesn't have a name. We have some finalists... and I'm pretty sure we have a middle name but we just haven't been able to settle on a first name. We keep the name private until the baby is born, but that doesn't stop anyone from questioning us which gets old. The name questions usually come right after the “oh, too bad you aren't having a girl” comments so, yea, you can imagine how those questions are received.

We will schedule my c-section at my next appointment. The date really means nothing – he'll come whenever he wants. What it does do is give me a finish line. As I head into the daily injections and finger sticks, the ever growing physical discomfort and all of the other “fun” parts of the third trimester it helps me to have that mental finish line.

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