Thursday, November 14, 2013

Welcome to the third trimester!

Take a deep breath.  Or not.  Cause I can't.  And I haven't been able to for about two weeks now.  I saw my chiropractor a few weeks ago and complained about the inability to breath deep.  He did an adjustment to my diaphragm and it helped for a bit, but its not financially possible for me to go every time I cannot breath--cause thats every hour or two.  And let's be fair.  I can breath.  I am getting enough oxygen.  I just feel like I cannot inflate my lungs all the way, and thats a hard thing for me to cope with.

I have a short torso, I'm 5'4" and around 110 lbs, not pregnant.  I gain a lot of weight with my pregnancies, and there's just not a ton of extra room in my body for these babies that I seem to grow.  My body is doing what nature intended, and I fully believe that, in most normal cases, our bodies do not grow what we cannot birth, but…its hard, mentally, to know that I'm not going to be able to breathe deep for another 12ish weeks.  When we get started in the morning, I go upstairs to take a shower and get dressed.  Then I have to build in a few minutes to sit down and rest because just doing that leaves me short of breath and tired.  At least its not hot anymore-the weather is finally cooling down.

I had an appointment with my midwife about two weeks ago, and all was well.  The baby's heartbeat was in the 140s, my weight gain was normal for me, my blood pressure was normal for me (which is on the low side), and I was hydrated.  Pretty standard prenatal appointment for me.  At this point, I think, uneventful is best.  Another appointment right before Thanksgiving.  Really, only about 3 months left in this pregnancy, that sometimes I forget about in the craziness of daily life.

My kids are in LOVE with my belly and the "new baby" in it.  They are constantly kissing and touching my belly (which is hard for me--I don't like hands on my belly much), and talking about the new baby.  My son says its a baby boy, and my daughter says its a baby sister.  I guess one of them is going to be disappointed in about three months.  We have a solid girl's name chosen that my daughter helped pick.  We are still working on a boy's name.  My 3 year old suggested Lightening McQueen.  Right.

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